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Paintings 2016

Paolo Doyle - A hare out of place.
A hare out of place. Oil on canvas, 100cm x 150cm (sold)
Paolo Doyle - Here, take it. What do I get?
Here, take it. What do I get? Oil on canvas, 100cm x 150cm
Paolo Doyle - Somewhere in South Wales
Somewhere in South Wales. Oil on canvas, 150cm x 100cm.
Paolo Doyle - The artist, pretending to be Ai WeiWei, about to be attacked by butterflies.
The artist pretending to be Ai WeiWei about to be attacked by butterflies. Oil on canvas, 150cm x 100cm (sold)
Paolo Doyle - Attempting to fly and not succeeding.
Attempting to fly and not succeeding. Oil on canvas, 150cm x 100cm.
A hare out of place. Oil on canvas, 100cm x 150cm. (sold)
Here, take it. What do I get. Oil on canvas, 100cm x 150cm.
Somewhere in South Wales. Oil on canvas, 150cm x 100cm.
The artist pretending to be Ai WeiWei about to be attacked by butterflies. Oil on canvas, 150cm x 100cm.
Attempting to fly and not succeeding. Oil on canvas, 150cm x 100cm.